Elles ont toujours des abdos parfaitement dessinés, des jambes fuselées, un fessier canon... oui, les blogueuses fitness peuvent être un poil irritantes avec leurs photos Instagram !

Mais ça, c'était avant que Madalin Giorgetta, elle-même adepte des photos "healthy", n'explique tout bêtement sa méthode pour afficher un tel corps sur ses clichés : et selon elle, tout est une question de posture et de (bonne) contraction des muscles !

Preuve à l'appui en photos et en vidéo BLUFFANTES !


Un avant-après qui n'en est pas vraiment un, puisque cette photo a bien été prise à quelques minutes d'intervalle !


Ahh the difference a flattering pose can make 💁🏼 I love seeing these photos on my feed as it reminds me that we allll have our best angles that we choose to share. The girls you see on Instagram don't walk around with one leg bent and one hip popped and flexed abs the whole time! I don't look like the right version in real life because who the hell stands like that in real life? But there's also nothing wrong with posting your most flattering angle, it's only human. After all, who wants to post that pic of your double chin? 🤷🏼‍♀️Constantly seeing the same carefully posed pic on my feed can get tiring, so it's always nice to see a crappy photo and think, "ohh hey, she's a bit like me" 🙂EDIT: kini is tagged folks!

Une publication partagée par Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) le


Hop, la vidéo FASCINANTE !


Alors, ça fait du bien, non ?


Both me, both okay ✌🏼I've taken loads of pictures like this of me sitting down but always thought it wasn't "Instagram worthy" to post (where's the face slap emoji? 🤔🙄) to be honest, I was kinda repulsed by my stomach, the longer I stared at it the more grossed out I was 😂How stupid is that? But it's also incredibly normal for women to feel ashamed and embarrassed by our bodies ☹️ I feel like I've come to a point where I can look at all of me and feel comfortable with how I look, flexed or non-flexed, posed or non-posed. As I'm gaining more weight (I'm bulking guys 💁🏼) I feel more comfortable watching my body change from its leanest to its not-quiet-so-leanest. I find myself hoping on the scale and fist pumping the air when my numbers go up, becoming excited as my jeans become snugger and watching my "thigh gap" become smaller and smaller as my leg muscles grow closer together. My journey started with wanting to change my body because I hated the way I looked, now I'm working towards feeling stronger and happier and gaining a bit more self love along the way 💓 I've realised my happiness isn't determined by the numbers on a scale and the size of my jeans, because I'm fitter and stronger and that feels so liberating. I hope I can inspire you to love your body as much as it deserves, because you don't need another hater in your life 👑#beyournumberonefan 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Une publication partagée par Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) le


Stupéfiant !


"How do I get a thigh gap"? Well, firstly, you could stand like me in the left and flex really hard and you kinda have to concentrate on pulling your thighs to the side 🤔 My legs have always been shaped like this, where I had a natural gap in the middle of my legs. It's been the same when I was 46kg and is the same when I'm 56kg. It's just my body shape. Like it's my body shape to have short legs and a long torso. And it's also my body shape to have a waist that goes "in". I can't change any of these things. That's just the way I was built. Don't beat yourself up over things you can't change. I've learnt to accept what I cannot change, and change what I can. That's not to say that I hate myself, or want to change everything. I like watching my body grow and change, and if I'm honest, I've never felt more confident with how I look and feel in my own skin right now ❤️ When I started this account I didn't even want to show my face. I was so embarrassed of my face being attached to this body. Now, I feel good. And feeling good in your body ain't no bad thing 💁🏼

Une publication partagée par Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) le


Crédit photos / Instagram @madalingiorgetta