POURQUOI le FESSIER de cette jeune femme fait autant PARLER

Liza est une jeune femme dont la photo est en train de faire le tour des réseaux sociaux en ce moment.

Pourquoi un tel raffut autour d'une simple photo avant/après comme on en voit des tonnes sur Instagram ?

Tout simplement parce que personne n'arrive à croire que son fessier se soit autant développé juste avec un programme d'entrainement !

Liza explique qu'elle a suivi le programme de Kayla Itsines, une coach star d'Instagram qui a lancé le "Bikini Body Guide", un guide payant pour s'affiner en 12 semaines.

Et vous, vous y croyez ?


There is no substitute for hard work & dedication! 👊 A new month means a new progress pic 😉 Over a year into the BBG program from @kayla_itsines which also means a full year of booty gains! 😂🍑 One of my goals when starting this program was to build muscle🔸I had lost muscle mass due to excessive cardio & a restrictive diet in the past and knew I couldn't maintain what I was doing🔸 Flash forward to today and I weigh more. I eat a lot more. I feel confident. I feel comfortable in my own skin. And I feel strong 💪 I'm now halfway through my 5th round of BBG. I have been increasing my weights with each round and have been feeling pretty awesome 🙌 The biggest shift for me has been moving away from the idea that health is the number on the scale. It should be about how you FEEL. Your happiness and wellbeing is far more important in defining your health than a number🔸 So here's to setting goals and absolutely crushing them! Who's with me? 😎 ***And a side note since I've received some criticism that this photo is edited/photo shopped/fake/or I had surgery on my butt*** This is ALL me. No filter on this one either. I work very hard for my results. The shorts/pose definitely help to accentuate the booty LOL and I have to stand on my sectional to get the shot 😂 Just wanted to keep it real friends and a huge thanks to @kayla_itsines for the feature! I can't believe it💜💜💜

Une photo publiée par Liza - RN - Canadian 🍁 (@ljadeparker) le

Crédit photo / Instagram